2 Minutes


  • 750 kcal
  • 40g KH
  • 14g Protein
  • 62g fat
  • 75 min.
  • 4 portions servings


  • medium-sized celery root
  • vegetable broth
  • 1 jar of capers
  • 1 can of tuna in its own juice
  • 1 creme fraiche or sour cream
  • half lemon
  • salt and pepper


Instructions for preparation

Step 1: Simmer the celery in the vegetable broth for 45 minutes, it should not be overcooked. Then carefully peel the celery and cut into thin slices.

Step 2: Put the sour cream in a bowl with the tuna and lemon juice and season with salt, then puree everything.

Step 3: Arrange the thin slices of celery on a plate, distribute the carpaccio sauce evenly and serve.

Tip: It is best to prepare the carpaccio sauce one day in advance, as the taste is then much more intense.

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