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What is the best way to get through the summer as a lipedema fighter?

We are all struggling with the heat of the last few days: you don’t have the motivation to do much exercise, your legs are heavy and full of water and wearing compression is a big burden. From my own experience and during the last telephone consultations with LIPOCURA lipedema patients, I was able to gather some helpful tips that I would very much like to share with you in this blog post.

Exercise and the right way of eating

If possible, start the day early, while it is still cool, and do a little exercise in the fresh air to get your first steps in. This way you start the day well and can spend the rest of the day indoors in the cool.

Do you have time to go for a swim in the lake during your lunch break or maybe after work? Take advantage of this opportunity, because swimming is one of the TOP sports for lipedema and also after liposuction. It works like a whole-body lymphatic drainage, is very easy on the joints and is incredibly refreshing, especially in the heat of summer.

Prepare your daily fluid intake in the morning to ensure that you don’t forget to drink enough. During summer at the top of the list for me: Homemade iced tea and lemon ginger water!

I don’t really feel like eating hearty and sumptuous meals in the summer. Something light and fresh is better. My favorite dish: a lipedema-friendly “watermelon-feta salad” – definitely give this a try!

Cool and relieve the legs

A cooling mat helps immensely against heavy legs in the evening after a strenuous day at the office or shortly after lipedema surgery. This can be placed on the vein cushion to keep the legs elevated. On the other hand, you should not use cold packs, as they only cool down individual areas, which is usually too strong. A leg tonic can also help against swelling and provide you with pleasant cooling.

If you have a lymphomat at home – wonderful! Especially in these temperatures it can relieve your legs or even the abdomen with lipedema well, stimulate the removal of lymph and help against water retention.

Take the LIPOCURA Lipedema Test

If you have noticed increased pain in the legs or water retention only now in summer, but do not know whether it is lipedema or what stage it is – do not worry! Take our LIPOCURA lipedema test on our website now or make a consultation appointment with your lipedema specialists! We look forward to your visit.

Do you also have a favorite summer recipe or other tips and tricks for summertime?

Feel free to share them with us and the other LipoKämpfer!


Get through the summer well!

Until the next blog post or the next Lipocoach phone call, I look forward to seeing you.

Your Lipocoach Pia

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