Liposuction on the legs

Even and slender legs – the wish of many women. But for people with lipedema, this seems to be especially unattainable at first. Painful limbs, pressure-sensitive, swollen areas and a feeling of heaviness are frequent accompanying symptoms. Patients who suffer from the painful and unsightly fat distribution disorder often endure years of suffering before they seek treatment. Conservative therapies only bring limited relief, but surgical liposuction achieves lasting success.

The lipedema experts at LIPOCURA® will support you on your way to a new, improved quality of life. We are aware of the limitations you face every day and therefore take you and your condition very seriously. You are in good hands with us. We are available to answer all your questions at any time.

How can we help you?


Brief liposuction overview

Operating time 2–3 hours
Anaesthesia General anaesthesia
Hospital stay 1 overnight stay
Rest period 2–3 weeks
Fit for sports/exercise from the 6th week on

Zweitmeinung bei LIPOCURA®

How does liposuction on the legs work?

Our highly qualified specialists and lipedema specialists are there for you: from the initial consultation and preparation for surgery, to the leg procedure, to detailed aftercare and possible skin-tightening follow-up treatments. We understand how stressful lipedema can be for you as a sufferer and attach great importance to supporting you not only medically but also emotionally.

We would like to get to know you better before the surgery so that we can better assess the existing findings and also consider your wishes for the treatment. For this purpose, we will hold an obligatory consultation with you. We will go through the entire treatment procedure with you and answer all your questions. Of course, we are always available to answer any questions that may arise later.

The procedure is performed with the utmost precision by our experienced specialists – thanks to more than 15 years of experience and more than 1,500 operations per year. In the first step, we mark the areas on the legs to be suctioned. Then we administer the general anaesthetic and, after it has taken effect, we make small, inconspicuous incisions of about 0.5 to 1 cm on the legs. Here we inject the tumescent solution and suck out the diseased fat cells using a vibrating cannula – which is set into oscillation during the suction – in a way that is gentle on the tissue. The lipedema operation on the legs takes about 2-3 hours.

You will be given special compression pants after liposuction to prevent unsightly dents or the formation of oedema. We recommend that you wear these day and night for about six weeks. In addition, the operation is usually followed by an overnight stay at the clinic.

Allow yourself plenty of rest during the first few days and avoid physical exertion. Depending on your activity, you may be able to return to work after only one week. We can reduce the risks of unsightly scarring, dents or wound healing disorders to an absolute minimum thanks to our high quality standards and years of experience.

Methode Beine

Which method is used for liposuction on the legs?

Lipedema surgery on the legs is one of the most time-consuming liposuction procedures, as most affected patients have massive accumulations of fat there. In order to achieve an even and low-risk result, an experienced specialist is needed as well as a procedure that is as gentle on the tissue as possible. We offer you both at LIPOCURA®.

We perform liposuction on the legs using the PAL method (power assisted liposuction) in combination with the tumescent technique. The special tumescent solution is first injected into the thighs or lower legs (depending on where liposuction is performed), where it causes the fat tissue to swell. This makes it possible to remove fat afterwards with the help of the vibrating cannula without damaging any of the surrounding tissue, lymph vessels and veins. By using general anaesthesia, we can also remove considerably more fat within one surgery than would be possible under local anaesthesia.

After liposuction: thigh lift?

Often lipedema is accompanied by an increased accumulation of fatty tissue that has overstretched the skin. Liposuction removes the excess fatty tissue from the legs, but the skin may not immediately regain its original firmness, depending on the tissue condition. In order to still achieve an overall aesthetic result for our patients, we offer an accompanying skin tightening at LIPOCURA®. This can be done by laser treatment, plasma laser method or surgical intervention. We will advise you individually which method best suits your needs and goals. Thanks to their many years of experience, our specialists are already able to assess very well during the consultation which tightening method is the right one for your body.

Learn more about skin tightening after liposuction.

How much does liposuction on the legs cost?

The cost of liposuction on the legs for the lipedema treatment depends on the amount of fat removed and the resulting complexity of the surgery. The price includes consultation, aftercare, surgical material, compression garments and personnel costs. We will gladly provide you with a specific proposal after determining the individual findings in a personal consultation.

You will receive more detailed information on the costs of the surgery and potential cost coverage by your health insurance.

More about costs

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Our locations

LIPOCURA® Frankfurt - Eterno Health


Eterno, Bockenheimer Landstr. 33-35/5. OG

60325 Frankfurt am Main


+49 69 2475309-0

Opening hours

  • Monday: 12:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm